This is a recent acquisition and I haven’t even had a chance to open it yet and make sure it works. But I don’t care because I buy anything that has Disco on it.
What I love most about this is that the name is obviously a take on Discoteque yet everything about the product including the graphic is 2 decades earlier.
No, no equipment left. Soundproofing basement with a room with a window on it. It’s all ready to have equipment brought into it. Nuts huh? The basement is going to be my version of the room that holds all your kitsch at Willis Wonderland. I can’t wait to finally be out of that “my life is in a box” mode.
Allee Willis
This is a recent acquisition and I haven’t even had a chance to open it yet and make sure it works. But I don’t care because I buy anything that has Disco on it.
What I love most about this is that the name is obviously a take on Discoteque yet everything about the product including the graphic is 2 decades earlier.
I love any kind of radio phono combo.
This would look good in my recording studio. Yes, believe it or not, there is a recording studio in our new house.
Allee Willis
Did they leave the equipment in the recording studio? If so, what’s there?
No, no equipment left. Soundproofing basement with a room with a window on it. It’s all ready to have equipment brought into it. Nuts huh? The basement is going to be my version of the room that holds all your kitsch at Willis Wonderland. I can’t wait to finally be out of that “my life is in a box” mode.