A never ending stream of demos, demos and more demos…
Yes, I am quite happy to take my lunch break here.
These feet never slow down, ever.
A never ending stream of demos, demos and more demos…
Yes, I am quite happy to take my lunch break here.
These feet never slow down, ever.
Allee Willis
No slowing down ever….
Miss u round these parts, Denny!
Great post!!!.. Photo #1…is that a chest with drawers??.. are the handles chrome car parts???.. Love your socks!!
Allee Willis
Yes to all. i used to make these in the mid to late 80’s. You can see them if you click through here: https://www.alleewillis.com/art/furniture/index.htm
All the pieces are to die for… FABULOUS!!!..
The chest in pictures #8-10…incredible 3 different sizes!!!