Shrimp Cocktail Anyone!!!.. Steaming hot coffee…and soup??..(love cups!!)… Mystery meat with mushrooms???… Celery stick with (2) olives!!… Paper doily on the bread plate!!!.. ..Sweet stainless flatware!!.. “TWA” Logo everywhere!!!…LOVE
… This was TWA in the 1950’s…a very long time ago.

Allee Willis
Don’t even ask me how exciting flying was back in the day. My 1st flight ever was in the late 50s on Eastern Airlines going from Detroit to Miami Beach. My biggest memory of the entire trip was the meal served on the plane, the apex being French vanilla ice cream which I had never tasted before and I marveled at the little black dots in it the entire trip.
And because you live in Detroit I’m going to tell you where to see a spectacular treatment of that Frank Sinatra LP cover: in the office of a spectacular dentist who saw me for an emergency tooth situation when I was there in 2011. Meet Dr. Gibney and see the cover here: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2011/05/10/allee-willis%E2%80%99-kitsch-o%E2%80%99-the-day-%E2%80%93-the-miracle-dentist-story/ It’s hard to see in the photo there but Frank is holding some dental floss.
“Come Floss With Me”…LOVE I love Dr Gibney…all her posters are just wonderful!!!
Douglas Wood
Great post!