After 11 years far too far away from his favorite jungle, Sock Monkey returned with a song in his heart and a swing in his step! How could he not, when there is so much to see, so much to do, and he has so many beloved friends to spend time with!?! On one lovely morning, Sock Monkey met up with his most adored friend of a trillion years, the mastermind genius painter/artist/all around great guy, David Keeton. They were starving and so headed for Kitchenette in Tribeca. You can’t go wrong when the name of a place is only one S away from being Willis themed. And when we walked in, September was on the HiFi. True story! The decor, of course, was also fabulous!

Sock Monkey went bonkers! He couldn’t decide where to sit, it all looked so good!

He eventually had to be contained by David until the food arrived. I’ve heard the pancakes are outta this world, but Sock Monkey got eggs and a biscuit instead. If you don’t get a biscuit at Kitchenette, you are simply out of your damn mind!

After a lovely breakfast and walking David to work, Sock Monkey headed out on foot to see what he could see. The Morgan Library was his first stop. Wow, what a beautiful place! Unfortunately, Sock Monkey can be very immature, so while he truly loved to see the Josef Albers exhibit, he still thought the following information plate was the best thing there. In fact, “Mr van der Schart” is his new favorite name (and insult).

After the Morgan, he headed up to his favorite place to visit in any city: The Public Library! He was thrilled to throw his arms around his old friends! And they are looking so well!!

He also sat for a portrait with the beautiful naked chick who hangs out near the front door. Sock MOnkey was thrilled to see her celebrated in all of her glory…and hey, if naked people draw more folks to the library, he’s for it! IN fact, since he himself always cruises around sans clothing, he was happy to have the company!

While continuing his walk uptown, Sock MOnkey noticed an engine out running a call. He has a very deep affinity and respect for the men and women who work for the New York Fire Department, especially since his handler’s former job was in EMS. In 2001, 343 were killed in what most people would could consider acts of heroism. The extraordinary people who we lost would simply call it their job. And there have been many before and after them. Only the bravest of hearts can work in such a profession. Those who apply and make the cut choose to risk and sometimes lose their lives in order to save another. This is not something that Sock Monkey takes lightly.

On that note, please take a moment to remember that it is so important to be kind to and considerate of each other. This planet is full of good people who do amazing things to help others they may not even know. We need to remember those acts, take them as examples, carry them in our hearts and pay them forward…
Allee Willis
Needless to say, I’m happy that Sock Monkey made it to NY when he did. Though he would look fetching sporting galoshes and rain gear, but so glad he was out of harm’s way.
Love the look of the Kitchenette minus the S. Also happy that vibes of the real KitSchenette were kept alive by “September” playing upon entrance.
Love the shots of SM in the red chair, nuzzling the lion and wishing he could get closer to the nude chick.
I salute the EMS workers. Especially after this week. Amazing.
Love the post, and the location!!! It looks like a beautiful NY day and Sock Monkey looks so happy with/in all of his surroundings!! Now I’m wondering if he has a “Library Card”.. :)
The Kitchenette Restaurant is fab…love the seating, the lighting with all the different hanging shades, the use of old doors as wall paneling… and the food!!!
I Googled them …great looking site!!!..
YOu guys woulda loved Kitchenette! I actually got a video of September on the speakers, but it was was pretty bad and wasn’t sure how the waiters would feel about being online…I always want to respect privacy, ya know? The breakfast was really good comfort food…I love that!
Aw man, I should have gotten him a library card!!! YOu called it K2!!!!! I am sooooo going to attempt that next time!!!!!
Yeah, we got out in jsut in time…It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see the damage everywhere…The fires in Queens, the whole Eastern Sea Board….It’s enough to break your heart…I agree, the EMS workers and the people who are cleaning this mess up remain the true heros…What a nightmare….
And hey, QoK, this post is under someone elses’ name!?!?!? Don’t know who 1959Cadillacfin is, but that’s a bitching name!! Maybe Sock Monkey was two timing me in New York!
i’m guessing we are all watching the same storm coverage??.. it’s so sad. The NJ footage of Breezy Point and Seaside Heights that they show most often, is staggering!!
Yeah, the storm damage is really,really bad. I’ve had friends sending me pictures since it all began and it’s enough to break your heart. You can’t mess with nature, that’s for sure….
shirlie williams
Fabulous post… the Public Library is just stupendous ,on one occasion I had a very cross security guard tell me off for trying to take a picture of Pooh Bear and Eeyore , I blame my camera for making a noise as I turned it on. Its such a beautiful building inside and out.