Yard Sale and Flea Market season in my area is pretty much done, due to the weather, so the stream of kitsch coming into my life is on the low side. I have some old vintage McCall’s Needlework & Craft magazines that have some fun vintage advertisements I thought I’d share.

Who wants a free odor test? Also, that guy is kinda creepy.

That’s some pretty big yarn.

Lose weight by listening to this $5.00 hypnotic record. It probably says “you are a sucker, you are a sucker,” over and over again.

Apparently wearing all those sweaters you knitted in this magazine can cause perspiration problems.

Pack-o-Fun magazine reminds you that you can make a poodle out of those old plastic bags. Recycling before such a thing existed.
Allee Willis
Love each and every one of them. Of course I want Pierre The Poodle!
Great post!! Yeah, I love the Pierre too, but that Lp is truly killing me. I wish I could hear it!!