Egyptian Civil Resistance Tote Bag

Submitted by Douglas Wood March 8th, 2011
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

Found this bag at a garage sale and thought it would make the perfect accessory for any hip young Egyptian protestor who wants to help overthrow the corrupt regime in style.  No fashion-conscious civil resistor should show up in Tahir Square without this vinyl tote to hold one’s grooming aids.   The bag features this svelte fashionista lounging on an ancient rock in a pair of Capri pants and what looks like a lamp shade doubling as a halter.  On the back are zippered compartments for a brush and comb.  I’m no architecture expert, but isn’t that column Greek or Roman?  The bag was made in Japan, not Cairo, so maybe that explains it.

6 Responses to “Egyptian Civil Resistance Tote Bag”

  1. Allee Willis

    I am going so bonkers jealous for this that my eyeballs are almost bouncing out of my head!! I love these old plastic tote bags to begin with. I always dragged one of them to Metropolitan Beach, just outside of Detroit in my youth so they have great sentimental appeal to me. Then, of course, the graphic kills me – the gal in her stretch pants, an item of clothing that was never off my body from 1960 to 1962, her little halter top with tassels, and that all too small head with that fantastic hairdo. Then the little zipper compartments for the brush and comb. And to make it totally personal for me, the Earth, Wind & Fire Egyptian pyramid. All in all, I’m gasping for air!!!!!

    If I owned this there would be big civil unrest if anyone ever tried to get this away from me.

  2. Douglas Wood

    Thanks for the positive feedback, friends, and the C d’ C, Allee. Allee, I’m sending this to you– I know you’ll give it a good home. But a small warning that the two seams on the sides are starting to separate. I’m thinking that with your visual arts skills you’ll be able to come up with some innovative way to repair it. Or maybe you can just cut out the graphics and use them on something else. Either way, I know you’ll do something creative and resourceful with it.