I applaud this handmade costume……. although I think she’s up to no good....
Puss n Soft boots
He looks a little angry about his boots. Probably the color and the quality……can’t go outside in those....
Potters Wheely
I’m thinking her potter’s wheel at home broke or she had a power outtage…. and what with cheap gasoline, it was just as ea...
Mini escalator
REALLY? Uh, why, 5 steps, C’mon. Hellow. they could have made a ramp and saved on materials and gas/electricity....
I HAVEN’T SEEN THE REAL BUS YET, but this photo makes the snake a little too real for me. brrrrrrrrr....
Dog Lamp
I’m not sure but I think you step on the poop to turn on the light. And you think this will fit next to your bed or is it better nex...
Mein kampfy slippers
Oy vey!! Without the Nazi insignia, I might consider trying them on……...
baby holster
I’m not sure this is comfortable for anyone, but it’s a good concept- better than a gun I’m thinking....
Fish flip flops
As if feet don’t smell enough. These dead fish ought to compete with the foot odor problem…….. may the best smell win....
Just wanted to make everyone away of this new line of dinnerware………… or new china set……. I’d eat...
I love that this is out of ODOR. I WILL never look at out of order signs the same way again....
Note to Toilet
I think most people agree, but I don’t know if the person programming the sensitivity of the flush will ever read it....
New Sack Outfit for watching the birds
Good camouflage. I mean that bird has got to suspect something....
Free Cat
It happens so frequently that people mistake possums and raccoons for cats……………....
Teddy Bear Gown
sorry about the nude top, I guess they dont’ make thin enough teddy bears for the top part of this frock. Or maybe the it’s too ...