101 Uses for a Dead Cube (Paperback) Book Rubik’s Cube 1981 edition

Submitted by kookykitsch September 15th, 2009

deadusesrubikcube101 USES FOR A DEAD CUBE By John Zales & John Stevens Tor Books, 1981 Funny if you like dead cat jokes and/or Rubik’s cube…

One Response to “101 Uses for a Dead Cube (Paperback) Book Rubik’s Cube 1981 edition”

  1. Allee Willis

    Rubik‚Äôs Cube is one of those things that attain kitsch status the second it pops from the assembly line. I never had the patience for them; I don’t have the patience for anything that demands that meticulous of a strategy unless it’s music or a craft of some sort. I think the fact that a Rubik’s Cube is coupled with dead cat jokes is a sign that both John Zales and John Stevens owned both.