Submitted by kookykitsch October 3rd, 2009

darlietoothpaste9this is a PC version of the classic brand of toothpaste called Darkie. It’s Asian made.

One Response to “DARLIE TOOTHPASTE Asian Made version of DARKIE”

  1. Allee Willis

    Although when I first started collecting I had several tubes of Darkie I’ve eliminated this stuff over the years as I wrote more and more soul music, culminating with The Color Purple musical. So things like this (well, not this PC version but the actual Darkie toothpaste) and anything Sambo, Mammie or Jemima have long since been banished from Willis Wonderland.

    I can appreciate Asia trying to show some sensitivity but here’s da facts: After Taiwan-based Hawley & Hazel was acquired in 1985 by Colgate-Palmolive they justified keeping the brand by changing the ‘k’ to an ‘l’, slimming the face down and adding that hulking white shadow. But nothing gets around the fact that in Chinese Darlie still means “black man”!