This article, “Orange Crate to Juvenile Chair in 20 Minutes” appears in the 1956 “Do-It-Yourself Booklet” published by Popular Mechanics Press. Judging by the photo below, of the stiff little girls sitting on the crate/chairs, one realizes there’s a fine line between family crafts projects and child abuse.

Below is the more deluxe, upholstered version.

Allee Willis
I went as far as using orange crates as shelves for my albums after I graduated college and moved to NYC but the rough wood always reminded me I didn’t have enough money to buy real shelves. So I never would’ve gone as far as turning the crates into furniture. With this said, I’m glad that Popular Mechanics did as they do look like perfect little children chairs, forcing them to sit up straight and learn good posture, something I never mastered.
I love how the kids feet are tucked into the bottom section. I hope Popular Mechanics also had directions for how to make a salve for leg cramps.
Covering the chair with the dress fabric is an excellent touch.
Between really uncomfortable chairs and a black & white TV with only 3 stations, no wonder kids were out playing from sun up till sun down during the 50s.