The neighbors next to my parents are moving and put this in their trash. I rescued it. It is in mint condition with not a flaw anywhere on it. The woman that gave this to me, I grew up with. So she told me it belonged to her grandmother. I still can’t believe she was throwing this away.

Allee Willis
This is a beautiful pig. Thank God folks like us are there to rescue these treasures from the trash.
I’m guessing this is 1930s or so.
I love his gentle look and eyelashes with a perfect proud pig attitude. Also dig the scarf and his St Paddy’s clover outfit.
Douglas Wood
I’m wondering if the cookie jar being a pig is meant to serve as a deterrent to snacking? Nothing like a strong visual reminder of the effects of bingeing to dissuade one from indulging in a handful of Oreos.
Allee Willis
I don’t know about that. If it was a cookie jar in the design of Saddam Hussein I’d still be jamming my hand in for Oreos.
I think you both need to go to the market now and get yourselves some Oreos, I know I am!
Douglas Wood
Ok, after I stop laughing at Allee’s Saddam Hussein quip.
It’s all about the kitsch Doug! Well, as it turns out, I got Oatmeal cookies with white frosting!
Oh my gosh, this is fantastic! Who would throw this away? That would fetch a pretty penny at the fleas or auctions.
I’ve already asked to sell it and all I can say is that this is definitely a keeper!