I always love when things from Colorado are made in Japan. I’m not sure what anything on these S&P’s have to do with Colorado unless that’s the state flower or the state Chihuahua. Maybe it’s the state flower and state dog of Japan.
hahaahaa! oh wow!!! what the hell animal is hanging off those shakers!!!! hahahah! i’m in tears!!! it MUST be a chihuahua!!! or the love child of a chihuahua and a sheep…..
The State Animal of Colorado is the Rocky Mountain Bighorn. This looks more like the State Insect, the Hairstreak Butterfly. I’m not making that name up.
Hairstreak BUtterfly! What the what!! If you’re not making that up, then we gotta find the person who did, cause that person belongs at the AWMOK!!!!!!!
Allee Willis
I always love when things from Colorado are made in Japan. I’m not sure what anything on these S&P’s have to do with Colorado unless that’s the state flower or the state Chihuahua. Maybe it’s the state flower and state dog of Japan.
hahaahaa! oh wow!!! what the hell animal is hanging off those shakers!!!! hahahah! i’m in tears!!! it MUST be a chihuahua!!! or the love child of a chihuahua and a sheep…..
Allee Willis
The State Animal of Colorado is the Rocky Mountain Bighorn. This looks more like the State Insect, the Hairstreak Butterfly. I’m not making that name up.
Hairstreak BUtterfly! What the what!! If you’re not making that up, then we gotta find the person who did, cause that person belongs at the AWMOK!!!!!!!
Allee Willis
Swear to God, it’s the real deal.
Hairstreak!!?? I was dying over this post!