8 Responses to ““Witchiepoo” Signed Photograph (H.R. Pufnstuf)”

  1. Allee Willis

    I actually never watched H.R. Pufnstuf until after it was off the air as I was too busy being a young adult in Manhattan and working at a record company. It really wasn’t until I went to a sale of tons of Sid & Marty Krofft’s puppets and props at the Beverly Hills Hotel a decade ago that I saw how nuts everything was and started digging up the episodes.

    I love that Witchipoo signed her signature in matching red, her predominant color. I’m incapable of signing a Color Purple poster unless I have my purple Sharpie with me so I totally relate.

  2. windupkitty

    This show is something I will never quite get over…The only thing that bums me out about it, is that I didn’t create all those characters…..It’s sad that Barney the dinosaur was one of the last famous gigantic “puppets”…

    Man, these shows were amazing: The New Zoo Revue, The Great Space Coaster, The Banana Splits, even Bananas in Pajamas and Teletubbies were pretty cool…Of course, The Muppets sere in a category all their own (the music an vaudeville acts were beyond compare)…..BUt H R Pufnstuf is just insane…The theme song will never be out of my head….

  3. Iamfluff

    Oh my, I was doing a google image search and this came up! I must ask if this is the whole photograph or if it was cropped this way (actually it’s brilliantly cropped) I need a good resource image of the Vroom Broom for a painting I am currently working on (No, not Fluffart – and I may use brushes and pigments and canvass – Oh my!) All the images I have found of the Vroom Broom are tragically pixelated. If there is more to this one I would be forever in gratitude if I could get a full scan.
    In Fluffitude,

  4. christine z.

    Thanks!! I don’t own a scanners, so I just took a photo of this, and cropped it ever so slightly to even it out. I was a HUGE fan of
    “H.R. Pufnstuf” as a kid, and especially loved Witchiepoo’s evil snicker!!!!