I listened to a LOT of music as a young’un (especially Elvis, even though he died the year I was born, though that’s beside the point). This is a c. 1967 LP that I listened to over and over growing up – the outer and inner covers show this very well (only two sides are still holding it together). That said, the actual vinyl is in fantastic shape – I guess even at a young age I appreciated what damage a scratch could do!

Side 2 shows a minuscule amount more wear than side 1 (I loved and still love the first song on that side).

Allee Willis
I still go nuts for this kind of music. The Cowsills cut one of my favorite all-time records, ‚ÄúThe Rain, the Park And Other Things”. The Serendipity Singers were dorky and kitschy and perfect. “Groovy Kind of Love” by The Mindbenders remains an incredible record to this day, made all the more incredible because it’s misspelled on the album cover.
Pickwick was an incredible cheesy record label that put out all kinds of compilations and sound-alike records. When I first moved to LA I got to go to their factory because Mr. Pickwick or whatever his name was was the uncle of one of my good friends and she thought I would like going to a place that actually made records. Somewhere I still have a massive pile of cover art proofs that I took that day. Incredibly cheesy prints of album covers that I was dying I had my pick of.
I love the half cow/half lion jungle animal cover art.
(The AWMOK Jungle Animal Petting Zoo is a scenic attraction whose cages are currently being filled to coincide with the release of the upcoming Pomplamoose with Allee Willis “Jungle Animal” VideoSong and online music game and contest. Jungle tamer, AWMOK creator, curator and charming hostess, Allee Willis, me, will be steadily leading jungle animals to their cages over the next 1-2 months or so as you bring them here until the song is released. If ever there ever was a category that was primed to be kitschified it’s that of “Jungle Animal” as all the stripes, spots and fur have been inspiration for designers since the beginning of time. I thank you all in advance for placing your jungle pets in such an illustrious cage as The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch. Keep them coming!)
That’s fabulous that you got to go to the record factory and take home cover art proofs!!
Great LP Cover Art…Thanks for posting…
OMG…The Cowsills…The Mindbenders…Groovy Kind of Love… I haven’t thought about these songs in such a long time…
I love youtube…I can’t believe how much I loved the boy bands..
I love how music works thru generations… I was blown away when my baby niece bought Carol King/Tapestry…and thought she had found the greatest music…I could of cried…
Thank you..loved the wonderful Pickwick insite…