Check it out. I’m very proud of this piece.

Check it out. I’m very proud of this piece.
This is great! Congratulations!!!
Beautiful…and your Detroit memories have touched my heart..
Lovely article, Allee.
Kyle Dayton
Congratulations, Allee! And thank you for a great article. I used to live in Troy, MI (Dad was a Chrysler exec). You’ve brought back a lot of wonderful memories I have of good times in Detroit.
Allee Willis
What years were you there?
Kyle Dayton
Not until the late 1970’s, so I’m sorry to say I missed the earlier golden years there. Your article took me to Memory Lane and reminded me very much of the good memories that I do have from Detroit and the ‘burbs, lots of things that I haven’t thought about in so long. Though I was a kid from the suburbs, we used to head into the city nearly every weekend (usually Greektown, and then occasionally to Fisher Theatre for some outstanding musicals; I remember Annie, Sugar Babies, and Rock Hudson performing in On the Twentieth Century). Sometimes we’d cross the bridge into Windsor to one of my favorite restaurants, The Fish Market. During the week I attended Macomb Comm. College/South Campus. For a time, my late father Donald was headquartered in Detroit, as the head of Customer Relations for Chrysler. I learned how to ski at Pine Knob, and during the summer enjoyed some awesome outdoor concerts there. I also remember the first time some of my more life-experienced friends took me to the Gold Dollar Show Bar for some very cool entertainment (I recall at least a few men there that were really awesome-looking women!). Thank you again for reminding me of many things that I’d thought were long forgotten.
Passionately written with the fondest of memories only a native growing up in Detroit could decribe. Your visions for Detroit’s rebirth should be heard and realized. Bravo!
Lisa Rios
So uplifting and heart warming. Wonderful words Allee. I hope you noticed “Bill’s” comment under your article. If you didn’t go back and read it. Cute!