No, the photo below isn’t Brooke Shields during her well-documented post-partum depression, nor is it a mug-shot, it’s simply the plastic head of the model-actress from the 1982 “BROOKE SHIELDS – THE WORLD’S MOST GLAMOROUS TEENAGER” kit. Found this at a garage sale last week for $2.00, and when I got it home I discovered the box also contained a pair of heavy-duty hand-cuffs. I can only guess what strange fetish its previous owners engaged in.

Clearly, the not-so-glamorous Brooke Shields head and the photos pictured on the box are world’s apart. Gone is the luster from her well-coiffed hair, now thinning and patchy. Her skin is blotchy and smeared with make-up. This Brooke’s been around the block a few times and looks like she’s been on a crystal-meth bender.
From the box: “Includes everything you need to get Brooke ready for the movie set or a photo session. Apply makeup and wash it off. Hair is washable and easy to curl. Safe non-toxic cosmetics, beauty supplies and jewelry.” Also, “Includes a star-shaped necklace from BROOKE to you PLUS an autographed photo.” And, “Complete with Brooke’s jewelry, star-shaped compact with non-toxic cosmetics, brush, comb, 6 clip together rollers, 2 barrettes, 2 hair combs, sponges and 3 cosmetic applicators, all designed with Brooke’s star motif. Unfortunately, the box currently contains only one pink comb and one barrette. And the handcuffs.
Allee Willis
Oh, what poor Brookie must have gone through with her handcuff wielding crystal meth owner! Such a bizarre artifact to find in the Brooke box, though as Brooke boxes go thank God this one cut off below the neck. I always like to see toys used but Brooke looks like she may have had to go beyond the call of duty.