I grew up with this grocery store chain in the Philly burbs so I was plucked when I came across this Christmas lp that was apparently part of a “volume” of releases.
2 Responses to “Christmas lp put out by the grocery store chain “A & P””
I never knew that A&P, one of the main grocery stores I went to as a kid, put out Christmas albums. All of the artists listed were on Columbia records so they must’ve done some kind of cross promotion deal with them. I worked at Columbia when I graduated college and these were all of the legit artists that they were pushing. Though I have no idea how Carey Grant got on there! And who was Anna Moffo? And why aren’t there photos of the stars on the cover?!
I remember this chain too as they were hugely popular in the Philly area. I choked on a gum ball in the A & P once, my mother still talks about that.
Allee Willis
I never knew that A&P, one of the main grocery stores I went to as a kid, put out Christmas albums. All of the artists listed were on Columbia records so they must’ve done some kind of cross promotion deal with them. I worked at Columbia when I graduated college and these were all of the legit artists that they were pushing. Though I have no idea how Carey Grant got on there! And who was Anna Moffo? And why aren’t there photos of the stars on the cover?!
I remember this chain too as they were hugely popular in the Philly area. I choked on a gum ball in the A & P once, my mother still talks about that.