Ground control to Major Tom. What’s a house without a couple of David Bowie throw pillows laying about? I had these pillows made special order featuring two of my favorite Bowie record album covers (one featuring Twiggy). They have canvas type fronts and the backs are covered in black velvet. I would call them kitsch with an edge. The accompanying Aladdin Sane Teletubby doll was created by a U.K. artist friend named Mikey Bean.
Allee Willis
Velvet Bowie. Nice. Hope the Teletubby is enjoying the music.
Lisa Rios
Bowie is an all time favorite of mine. I am so pounding on that JEALOUS button. Pound, pound, pound!!!
wow, I can’t even get into my since-childhood obsession with David Bowie….
the first time I saw him was on Saturday Night Live which resulted in the relentless badgering of my parents to know “when the aliens were going to be on again”…I was truly obsessed…The 1st record I bought was Changes One Bowie…I wanted to be him, play music with him and also marry him…:D
it changed my small world to know that creativity and the pursuit of art was possible in many forms….What a lovely and amazing thing to be alive while he’s creating…I feel the same way about the awmok and it’s inhabitants..:)
Michael Ely
The first time I saw Bowie was this video shown on an afternoon TV music show. I felt as if I had seen a god come from the heavens – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v–IqqusnNQ
Funny thing is, I think we all wanted to be him, play music with him and marry him! :)