Wedding Photo from the 1920s Germany

Submitted by Patty McDonald January 31st, 2011

This is the only photo of my German Grandparents that made it through after WWII on their wedding day sometime in the 1920s.  I found it in a shoebox helping my mother sort through some STUFF about 20 years ago.  As you can see, in bad repair as it is printed on some sort of card stock. Can’t bring myself to have it restored yet as it is so ORIGINAL and old.

2 Responses to “Wedding Photo from the 1920s Germany”

  1. Allee Willis

    So great that you have this family photo. Of course, it would be great if all old photos were in great condition but once it’s in the family I don’t mind that it’s got all the cracks in it because you can see how handled it was. Although they can do an excellent job restoring photos so you might want to have that done, I can also argue for the other side as I love the idea that all of your family’s DNA is on it in this condition.

  2. denny

    Hey Patty –

    My partner is german and I have a ton of his family pics in the basement. I’ve tried to get my father in-law to go through them and move them to a safer place. I found some things that were molded together and not salvageable.

    This post motivates me to do something about that! I may even post some.