Forever Ricky….

Submitted by MyFunCloset February 8th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

If you ever get a chance to see “Ozzie and Harriet”‘s black and white  reruns from the ’50s, you’ll see a young Ricky Nelson and his early singing.  By the time these 45’s were made, he was established, though competing with Elvis. He was adorable.  Every once in awhile, I’ll play his music and smile.

4 Responses to “Forever Ricky….”

  1. Allee Willis

    I loved Ricky Nelson back in the day. I thought he was so staggeringly cute. I remember when he introduced “Travelin’ Man” on Ozzie and Harriet. I almost choked on my chocolate milk I was so excited.

    Many years later I became friends with Kathy Nelson, Ricky and David’s first cousin. Her dad was one of the creators of the Flintstones. She was and remains very big in the movie soundtrack business and in 1984 put two of my songs, Neutron Dance and Stir It Up, in Beverly Hills Cop, which won me a Grammy.

  2. MyFunCloset

    We grew up in such great times didn’t we? Early television opened doors for actors, writers, singers, musician & more. American Bandstand was our MTV. Any idea what Rick Nelson’s twin boys are doing these days? I remember when they came on the singing scene years ago.