Kitschy Crafts: Making Pigmy Will

Submitted by Jaymes Mansfield March 4th, 2011
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

After watching a few of those awesome videos I made  promise to myself that I will  have my own Pigmy Will…. So I popped on my favorite movie to do crafts to(Shock Treatment) and got to work. Making the teeth was probably my favorite part. This was the end result of about an hours work.

I thought everyone else might wanna give makng him a try so I drew out a fool proof pattern to making Pigmy Will for the printer!

All you need can be found in the craft isle at your local Walmart. The materials I used are felt squares which cost about 29 cents each, a pack of polyester stuffing, a glue gun, pins and that good ol’ needle and thread.

Basically all you do is cut out these shapes pin them over over the felt, cut em out, and sew. Make sure to leave holes to stuff em. Once its all sewn and stuffed, you sew on the arms, glue on the face. The only part I didn’t include were the teeth and nose which can be made from scraps.

Check it out, Pigmy’s nekid!!! XD

24 Responses to “Kitschy Crafts: Making Pigmy Will”

  1. windupkitty

    AWESOME!!! And I LOVE your patterns!!!!!!!! So fabulous to know there are more felt craft enthusiasts out there too!!!!

  2. Allee Willis

    I don’t know where my comment went but I want to say I’M ECSTATIC about this Pigmy post. Absolutely BRILLIANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! I’m sure the Pigmy will be deet deet DEEEEEEETING to Hi heaven!!! Thank you so much, Jaymes Mansfield!! And I hope many aKitschionados will rise to the challenge of interpreting this FANTASTIC pattern. I see a video starring the Pigmy and his looklikes!

    Also, aK Denny has done some fantastic portraits of the Pigmy. Here’s one I’ve posted already but I will start posting some of the others tomorrow.

    So happy about a Pigmy doll!

  3. denny

    This Pigmy Will doll is so amazing. Seeing this made my day!

    Do I need to do a Pigmy Will Meatloaf?

    If I had a Walmart close to me I would be rushing out right now to buy the supplies you described here!

    We love Pigmy!!!

  4. Pigmy Will

    Thank you James. This is my dream come true. I’m going to make you an apple mint felt pie with triple deets and a Tic Tac. Love, Pigmy Will