This is a pair of doggie bowls for my two babies, Monkey and Frappy, bowls designed to look like Chinese takeout! We got Monkey from a shelter when he was a month old. He is part poodle and god knows what else, very self-confident and bossy. His favorite toy is a balloon. He can carry a balloon around in his mouth for hours without popping it! Frappy came to us from an abusive home. He was nothing but ribs when we got him and one of his paws is slightly deformed from standing in a wire cage for the first year of his life. He is very needy, and he loves to give kisses. Both dogs are like brothers, like best pals. They bring such joy into our lives.
Allee Willis
I can’t believe I’ve never seen these bowls! Sweet Potato, Nibbles and Niblet might be going Oriental very soon…
Monkey and Frappy are adorable!! Such a beautiful matched pair. How old are they?
I love Monkey holding the balloon. How on earth does he do it without bursting it?? That’s love.
So glad you rescued Frappy! People can be way way way too cruel.
Love how they’re sleeping in U formation in the last photo.
Michael Ely
Hi Allee. If you want to get some takeout bowls for your babies, they make even cooler versions for cats. Found these two links for you, but hurry because I believe these bowls are no longer being manufactured….
Monkey will be six on April Fool’s Day (that was on his birth certificate at the shelter), and we believe that Frappy is five.
Allee Willis
Thanx for the links!
Those are pretty adorable…
These are great. I have to go look around for these. Sweetpea and Wasabi’s bowl is so large they could swim in it.
Frappy and Monkey. Sounds like a saturday morning cartoon!
oh, look at those wonderful boys!! thanks so much for posting this!!!!!!! I just want to hug them!!!!!!! they are so lucky to have such a good home!!!!!!! oh, I love them…their bowls are excellent, but their fuzzy faces are better……Poor little Frappy how lucky that he found you…..