When I got the word that Allee and Hidden Los Angeles were collecting valentines for the beautiful Milly Del Rubio, I wanted to something special for her. I didn’t post it here as it was a sincere gift for Milly and I didn’t want to make it about me, ya know? But on the advice of the QoK, here it is…

I chose to copy these outfits because I loved the colors and thought they were valenetine-y…It was hard to choose as I LOVE all the Del Rubio costumes….

She’s made of cotton socks, stuffing from a sacrificed pillow, felt and glitter. I also cut up a cork coaster to make the guitar a bit more sturdy. The guitar strap is made of beads that were part of a clearance xmas ornament I found at the craft store. I added the head band even though they aren’t wearing one cause it gave the hairstyle a bit more shape…

Here’s the guitar…

This monkey is also musical. I’m a huge fan of songs from The Great American Songbook and am overwhelmingly in love with the Gershwins…So, I put a little music box movement in this monkey’s tush that plays Our Love is Here to Stay (sadly, it’s only 18 notes as these get really expensive the more notes you want)…I wanted Milly to know we’re thinking of her and sending her love always….In case she forgets, she can wind up the monkey butt…I had to put a felt heart around the wind up key to reinforce the fabric…I never really know what I’m doing till I do it, so I often have to fix stuff along the way, which usually leads to something else…..I like that :)
Here’s a little video of the monkey with sound…sorry it’s sideways…I hadn’t thought about that when I filmed it…

Allee Willis
Oy yoy yoy… It took every ounce of strength for me not to steal this out of the Valentines Day pile of cards and gifts I was delivering to Milly Del Rubio on Valentine’s Day. I can’t even tell all of you how completely cute and wonderfully made this is. But I must tell you that somehow I missed that there was a music box inserted in the monkey’s butt. Honestly, had I known I’m certain that this Del Rubio masterpiece would be sitting on my bed right now as it never would have made the drive to the intended recipient! I know that stealing someone is not the proper Valentine’s Day spirit but that’s how great this bit of craft making by windupkitty is!!
Every milli-inch of this is fantastic but nothing kills me more than those flat go-go boots. No, wait, one thing kills me more. That the video was shot on its side, a mistake I often make and never have to feel embarrassed about because my love of kitsch makes a clip shot in this fashion that much better!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOja728hBFU for excellence in kitsch camerawork. (Windup, I’m not making fun of this. It makes me love it even more.)
To read about the occasion that windupkitty made this for as well as to brush up on The Del Rubio Triplets go here: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2011/01/10/allee-willis-kitsch-o-the-day-the-del-rubio-triplets-and-a-valentines-day-card-for-milly/
Oh my gosh!!! That is so amazing! You are such a sweet & thoughtful person and talented too.. how kind of you. =)
Michael Ely
It’s obvious that this was made with lots of care, attention to detail and lots of love. What a sweet valentine.
OMG! If I could hit the jealous button several times I would. You are amazing Wind-Up and your Milly sock monkey really made me laugh out loud. I bet Milly absolutely loved it!
Milly’s eyelashes and guitar are killing me!
You did a bang up job with this one!
Jaymes Mansfield
This thing is so beyond awesome I passed out. Very great work!
Douglas Wood
This is an impressive piece of pop culture art at its best.
Kyle Dayton
I love this! It’s adorable, and you are awesome.
Wow, thanks you guys! You are all too kind!!! I just hope it made MIlly smile…
What an incredible sweet valentine gift for Milly, you BET it made her smile! I think everyone can see with how much love you made this xoxo