One of Allee’s most cherished sets of coffee cups. Love the ball for a handle! These really are a gorgeous set!
Double-sided shot glass!
One of my favorite Hollywood souvenirs is this little mini-ashtray set.

One of Allee’s most cherished sets of coffee cups. Love the ball for a handle! These really are a gorgeous set!
Double-sided shot glass!
One of my favorite Hollywood souvenirs is this little mini-ashtray set.
Allee Willis
I wish i had more of the cups in the first photo. LOVE the ball handles.
The things written on the long and short of it ceramic glass are fantastic. very 1950’s/60’s mentality.
I love the little LA ashtrays. I was collecting a lot of 1950’s and 60’s LA stuff for a while. These are part of a much larger stash.
I was so afraid of handling those ball handled cups that I was quit content wit just staring at them. They are so gorgeous.