While I wait for the beauty shots of the rest of the remote collection to get done, here’s a brand new baby that arrived in today’s mail. Behold the as-new Toshiba CT312, a hefty little sweetheart that arrived today in her original styrofoam packing, fresh as a daisy.

From her dark, gunmetal grey case to her half-inch raised buttons, she’s a beauty of a ker-plinker featuring buttons for On-Off, Volume, and Channel. Just look at this lovely profile!

Makes me feel kinda bad to know she was probably never pointed at a screen, so here she is featured in an action shot, showcasing her charming grill:

Allee Willis
Love this one. It looks like a shaver in the third photo. And I love the contour of the buttons in the second photo. I also like that you have the original packaging, back when Styrofoam was just coming into fashion and was perceived as a miracle product.
One day you have to bring the remotes over to Willis Wonderland so I can sample all the kerplunk sounds. They would make such an excellent percussion track.
To see more of storytroy’s excellent remote collection go here: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/author/storytroy/
Have kerplinkers, will travel. Drop me a line whenever you’d like me to drop off the collection. Even some of the silent ones creak and squeak delightfully under pressure.
Gilles Snowcat
Ultrasound remote, isn’t it? Amazing!