Dog bottles

Submitted by mike winer August 20th, 2011
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

Drinkin Aiant for Dogs – Dog corner at my tiki bar. Picked this stylish decanter (and its mate) at a garage sale in a small country town south of Cairns, Queensland, Australia – The sale was held by an old Italian couple that had heaps of good stuff accumulated through a lifetime of hoarding. Poodles in background will feature soon in their own stylish submission.

6 Responses to “Dog bottles”

  1. Allee Willis

    Stunning! Have never seen these before. I absolutely love the fur texture, the shapes of the heads, the collars, everything.

    Does only one of them have a tag? What are the collars made of?

    I’m absolutely swooning at the number of poodle bottle cozies you have. Please post them one by one so we can see them in all their canine glory.

    I love the grouping of the glass dogs and the knit dogs.

  2. mike winer

    Thanks for the honour Allee. The dogs are unusual. The collars are leather and the studs metal. Unfortunately the green dog has lost his tag but there is a hole in the collar where it should be attached. Surprisingly the dog has a made in Japan sticker on the bottom – I am a big collector of 50s/60s made in Japan stuff and don’t often come across glass stuff – mostly ceramic or tin