SOUL ALERT! “Mirror Mirror on the wall, who has the fiercest afro of them all”? (a painting done on a mirror by Denny)

Submitted by denny September 8th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

The concept I was going for was that no matter what body part you gazed into, you would always have an afro when looking in this mirror.  I had a terrible time trying to match it perfectly but just figured that this soul mirror would always bless whoever looked into it with the most perfect afro.

I found this monstrously heavy mirror in the garage and at the time had no canvases in the house.  This was a bit of an adventure for me.  I hope you are all happy when looking in this mirror.

4 Responses to “SOUL ALERT! “Mirror Mirror on the wall, who has the fiercest afro of them all”? (a painting done on a mirror by Denny)”

  1. Allee Willis

    Love the concept and am confused at the same time. I love what this looks like, the way the paint looks on the mirror, how it gives a great texture to the paint. But if the concept was that everyone could see what they look like with an afro, shouldn’t the face have been left blank? Good news is that for exhibition in a KITSCH Museum, the fact that this wasn’t adhered to is fine. I love looking in someone’s mouth for reflection.

  2. denny

    Your right, tiny bit confusing. I was going for the eyes, mouth and nose to line up if one looked into it. I got it all wrong on that point but ended up liking what I did here. It’s going to hang the living room. Probably not something I will paint on often as I was just trying out different mediums and found this lying around the garage.

  3. denny

    Thanks Bettina! It’s the severity of the perfect afro that gets me. I’m so jealous I don’t have an afro! I think I may revisit this mirror project but leave the face off as Allee suggested.