Denny’s Adventures In Allee’s “Willis Wonderland” – July 2011 – Part 54 Submitted by denny September 16th, 2011 Here’s looking at you!
Allee Willis So glad you photographed this as it’s really is one of my better eyeglass holders and it wasn’t included in your eyeglass post yesterday. ( I do wish that the green garbage tie and string off of one of my pens, which is what is sitting in this particular eyeglass holder, weren’t in the shot but you can see you a lot clearer here: Doug Wood owns some eyeglass holders that are pretty hot too: September 16th, 2011
Douglas Wood Are the eyes on this those “flicker/Vari-Vu” eyes that wink? Can’t quite tell. If they’re not, they should be! September 16th, 2011
Allee Willis
So glad you photographed this as it’s really is one of my better eyeglass holders and it wasn’t included in your eyeglass post yesterday. (
I do wish that the green garbage tie and string off of one of my pens, which is what is sitting in this particular eyeglass holder, weren’t in the shot but you can see you a lot clearer here:
Doug Wood owns some eyeglass holders that are pretty hot too:
Douglas Wood
Are the eyes on this those “flicker/Vari-Vu” eyes that wink? Can’t quite tell. If they’re not, they should be!
Allee Willis
Yes, that’s exactly what they are!