Philco Directa Remote

Submitted by StoryTroy February 25th, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

This one-button wonder isn’t as slim or shiny as the Zenith 100 I posted a while back, but certainly has her own chunky charm — proving that skinny, flashy gals aren’t the only game in town.

At about four inches in length and two inches in height, she holds all the outer charm of a big toe.  But just depress that big, white button and you’ll get that great “ker-chink” we’ve grown to love and a solid vibration that’ll make your knuckle hairs stand up.  I’m guessing she belonged to a table-top or portable model from ’59 or ’60, but I haven’t found her in my web research yet.

This shot is a slightly better indicator of her width-to-height ratio:

How about a shout for the little big gal?

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