8 Responses to “1971 Starstreak Motorhome”

  1. Allee Willis

    Someone call 911! It’s lucky I didn’t break my head on my desk it dropped so fast and hit so hard after I caught a glimpse of this!!! OMG, do you have any details about this? Does it still exist? THIS Is what I want for Hanukkah!!!!

  2. windupkitty

    oh mar, mark, mark…you’re killing me!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been moping all summer missing my 1973 Ford pick-up with it’s old Davlin camper…this though, is going to send me into a full on tantrum!!!!!! I”M dying to see the inside of this thing!

  3. Mark Milligan

    All mentions on the internet say it’s in the California Auto Museum in Sacramento. As it turns out, I will be in Sac next Tuesday, and if I have time I’ll stop by. Somebody said a few years later the same guy that custom built this built another one that looks more like an Eldorado.


    But wait, there’s more…the guy built a second one…

  4. Mark Milligan

    Oh I just repeated my self in a non linear fashion.

    Anyhoo, watch for another post with a possible special photo of the second one.

  5. Mark Milligan

    Thanks for the award! Maybe a field trip to Sacramento is in order. Something tells me there might be other kitschy attractions there. I’m flying in Monday night and will be there Tuesday so maybe I can scope out the place if I get a little time or it’s not too far outta da way.