Allee at Trapper Johns, Burbank, CA circa 1985 – Part 1

Submitted by Allee Willis July 30th, 2012
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

My favorite spot to go for a ride to was this collection of 52 family members and pets that used to be in front of a motel also handbuilt by Trapper John. When the Burbank airport expanded this went bye-bye but thankfully I got a few choice photos with the family before that happened. Will be posting one more tomorrow as well.

3 Responses to “Allee at Trapper Johns, Burbank, CA circa 1985 – Part 1”

  1. shirlie williams

    Ooooohhhh this photograph is brilliant, I wish I owned those figures, and Allee your boots…they are fabulous ..