Barbie Heaven

Submitted by shirlie williams March 13th, 2013
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

Being a Barbie collector myself ,I swooned and gazed open mouthed when I saw Stanley Colorites Collection..Woweeeee I wish I lived next door I could help him arrange them.

He has 2,000 Barbies and his partner Dennis has a 1,000 Kens. He has spent nearly 2 decades putting together his collection.

To add to the collection he also has 3,000 Barbie outfits, I’m still in a swoon.

A room full of Kens !!!

3 Responses to “Barbie Heaven”

  1. shirlie williams

    With many thanks for the Classique d’ Camembert always a joy… I just so want to study this collection and I want close ups !!