Fuzzy-Felt Cartoons – a vintage kiddie toy

Submitted by denny August 23rd, 2013
Certifikitsch Winner

I had a toy like this.  Felt was big when I was a kid and you could get kits like this in Woolworth’s.  This was originally posted on Face Book by a friend that lives overseas so this just might be the UK version of the felt toys/activity I grew up with.  I really love the cat leaning against the light post but that frog is also killer.

5 Responses to “Fuzzy-Felt Cartoons – a vintage kiddie toy”

  1. windupkitty

    Love this! I had something like this too and cheap felt remains my one of my favorite things ever (as is evidenced by sock monkeys!)!

  2. shirlie williams

    I had Fuzzy Felts growing up, my favourite was the Fairy Tale Edition.Fuzzy-Felt was created by Lois Allan in the UK during the second world war. Allan, who contributed to the war effort by “manufacturing felt gaskets for sealing tank components”, was inspired to create the toy after observing how much enjoyment children had taking the discarded and misshaped pieces of felt and sticking them to the backs of table mats.
    Since its creation in the 1950s, more than 25 million Fuzzy Felt sets have been sold internationally and although Fuzzy Felt reached its peak in popularity sometime in the mid-1970s, it remains an iconic child toy enjoyed still by the children who play with it and the parents who nostalgically purchase it.
    Some info from Wikipedia …..

  3. windupkitty

    Wow, thanks for all the info…what a cool bit of interesting history! one of my closest friends (and co-creator of the hamburdog) Stacey, is still friends with her best friend from childhood whom she refers to as a graduate of felt school…when the girls were 6 or 7 Stacey set up a “felt school” with all of her felt pieces, charged her friend Kris 5 whole bucks! (a lot back then!) to attend and then taught her how to make things with felt. ONce Kris graduated later that day, Stacey used the $5 to buy them both ice cream to celebrate…love that story so much…it never ceases to crack me up!