Shish-kabob is already a pretty kitschy food. It’s served on a stick, and quite removed from its Eastern origins. That’s not enough, though! The catchy “Kabob-It” comes along to do just one thing– make some kabobs. There’s a heating element in the middle, and the plastic-handled skewers that lock into place and can be lifted right out of the glass fish bowl. Further research tells me it actually rotates. Is it each individual skewer, or a carousel of kabobs? I am dying to find out myself, but I live in a very small apartment with a very small kitchen.
A few years back I was dying over the Quesadilla Maker craze. Baking cheese between tortillas takes so few tools it kills me that there is a whole appliance for the task.

But coming by a Kabob-It reminds me that this has been going on for a long time. Even the delicious popcorn air-popper is such a bizarre, one-task specialty appliance it’s to be celebrated not mocked.
And true– Kabob-It might be king, but it’s successor The Slider Maker can give it a great run for its money. This isn’t the Big City Slider Station you might remember from TV. This is a plug-in Forman-style variety that popped up around Christmas at my pharmacy.

Allee Willis
Wow, I love this comprehensive tour through quick step kitchen gadgets. I’m not much of a cook – actually that’s quite a generous description of my proclivities in the kitchen – and I have no space left on what little countertops are in my kitchen to begin with but if the latter weren’t the case I’d be tempted to try the Quesadilla Maker and the Slider Maker for sure. Kabobs and I were never the best of friends. I always think the little chunks of meat are too tough or the chicken too dry and the usual inbetween food, green peppers, is not a favorite of mine. But I love that a device exists that makes the assembling and cooking process much easier.
Thank you so much for all this kitchen advice. Each gadget is worthy of their own submission should you have any more lying around or that you’re fascinated with.
I do embarrassingly have the pictured Quesadilla Maker, and I can attest that it works pretty well. It even has a drip-tray which always falls off and spills drips all over the place. But it is fairly handy either way, no flipping or cutting required and nearly instant eating of quesadilla goodness.
Apparently real kabobs are just meat sticks, which makes sense because meat and vegetables cook so differently. I only like the tomato part of kabobs, and I’m sure it’d look really good against the yellow of the Kabob-It. I always have my eye open for kitchen gadget (once I saw serving spoons with smiley-faces cut into them) so I’ll have to snap more pictures of the great ones.
Allee Willis
Yes, more photos please! I never saw the serving spoons with smiley faces cut into them but I do have some cheese knives where the word ‘cheese’ is cut out in the blade. Not the most practical of utensils however as if you don’t make an absolutely straight cut the cut outs shred the cheese as the blade comes down.
Speaking of cheese knives I once found a ceramic statue for Babybel cheese that held four spreading knives. The handles of the knives were (plastic) stacks of cheese with mice on top. It was great and strange, and I can’t imagine why I thought the memory of it would be enough.
Allee Willis
That knife holder sounds very familiar to me. With the trillions of thrift shops and fleas I’ve been to over zillions of years I’m certain that it’s passed before my eyes. I think you’re correct that the memory of it is not enough…
Mark Blackwell
i like that the reflection on the kabob maker kind of makes it looks like there’s lightning inside of it – like one of those tesla light globe things that you can touch and move the light rays around. it would be great to combine such a lightning globe with a kebob maker.