10 Responses to “Ice Cream Lights”

  1. windupkitty

    yeah, i love these…they’ve been banned from the house….some people can only tolerate so much so compromises must be made….it’s funny, i just emailed one of my best friend’s to offer them up to her daughter (near 11) or about-to-appear second daughter….i said the same thing! would make great nightlights! these would get stolen off my lawn though…in my neigborhood, even our recycling bins got stolen! i made a mistake too…they’re nearly 3.5 feet tall! too cool….

  2. windupkitty

    I got these at FredFlare.com (a company I LOVE run by the nicest people in the world!) several years ago…I just checked and they have them in stock (I probably shouldn’t say this but I think they’re a good bit more expensive than when I bought them though…of course, maybe I was so overwhelmed by needing them, I paid a billion dollars and just don’t remember…nahhhh not me!)…here’s the link!

  3. shirlie williams

    OMG I love these, If I were your neighbour I would put them up outside and we could share them…..What else is in your garage ??? I bet its like my loft !!!