Isn’t this a contradiction? Three words have finally come together in one place. The “Trivia” game and “for dummies” books. With camera in hand, another must have photo from the Village Thrift store.
Isn’t this a contradiction? Three words have finally come together in one place. The “Trivia” game and “for dummies” books. With camera in hand, another must have photo from the Village Thrift store.
Allee Willis
I guess it IS a contradiction as if you’re a dummy I would suppose you didn’t have much mind for trivia to begin with.
The only one who isn’t a dummy is the person who came up with the whole “for dummies” concept.
sample questions: “What game are you playing right now?” and “Isn’t there anything on TV?”
The “for dummies” group put a hefty retail price on this game… now on the shelf at a thrift store, marked $2.00…then another 50% off. So who is the dummie?