interesting kitsch I found in my mom’s basement…I think it may fall into the ‘bathroom’ category…or nudity…or just weird and kinda ewwww….Hope you like it!
Wow, these are pretty amazing… and ew… but I love them!
The male is….unique, isn’t he? Ha Ha! I remember seeing them out when I was a kid…I’m thinking late 70’s maybe? My mom had them displayed with some other kitschy do-dahs she had on various shelves around the house. Unfortunately, she disposed of a LOT of stuff in a purge one year and didn’t tell me about it until AFTERWARD!! Darn it!
I discovered these on a very dusty shelf in the semi-finished basement…they hadn’t been disturbed for awhile as my folks used to entertain visiting relatives down there long ago but haven’t in some time. Mom can’t remember where or when she got them. So proud they are Certifikitsch Winners!! Thanks!
Allee Willis
Wow, never saw these before. Never ever saw anything remotely resembling the back of the male.
Did your mom ever leave them out or as far as you know where they always stored in the basement?
Do you know when they’re from? I’d guess anywhere from the 50’s to the 80’s.
These are great!
Wow, these are pretty amazing… and ew… but I love them!
The male is….unique, isn’t he? Ha Ha! I remember seeing them out when I was a kid…I’m thinking late 70’s maybe? My mom had them displayed with some other kitschy do-dahs she had on various shelves around the house. Unfortunately, she disposed of a LOT of stuff in a purge one year and didn’t tell me about it until AFTERWARD!! Darn it!
I discovered these on a very dusty shelf in the semi-finished basement…they hadn’t been disturbed for awhile as my folks used to entertain visiting relatives down there long ago but haven’t in some time. Mom can’t remember where or when she got them. So proud they are Certifikitsch Winners!! Thanks!