Oh, jeez, it’s a Fargo snow globe– you betcha.

Submitted by Douglas Wood November 11th, 2010
Certifikitsch Winner

Anyone who thinks that snow globes are just quaint souvenirs or charming little holiday chotchkes has obviously never seen this FARGO snow globe that was given away to industry people to help promote the great Coen brothers film. I love that this globe completely subverts the snow globe icon, transforming it from whimsical to perverse. Sorry for the blurry photos but the snow globe itself is pretty blurry. The text under FARGO reads, “A Film by Joel and Ethan Coen,” and yes, that’s pregnant Marge Gunderson on her knees in the snow, over the bloody corpse, with an overturned auto in the background.

4 Responses to “Oh, jeez, it’s a Fargo snow globe– you betcha.”

  1. Allee Willis

    Excellent as movie swag goes! Always nice when something so sweet as a snow globe is spun on its ear and features snow on mayhem and mutilation.

  2. Mark Milligan

    I love it. The blood pool out of the guy’s mouth looks like that fake cheese on the tomato sauce of a cheap frozen pizza before you bake it.