5 Responses to “You don’t have to be Jewish…”

  1. Allee Willis

    I remember being bombarded by these ads and commercials. I never really liked the bread. To be great Jewish I always preferred it sliced from the deli. But I sure like the ashtray. And ultimately, sandwiches my favorite food and Jewish food is just about my favorite sub genre so I guess there will always be some Levy’s in my future. Though I’d prefer it on an ashtray as opposed to surrounding my corn beef.

  2. windupkitty

    wow, are you KIDDING me!!!??? This is fabulous!!! The jealous button has recently been getting recognition here on the AWMOK…Allow me to participate!!!!!!!

    • Allee Willis

      Trust me, I wish there was a jealous button. But because AWMOK is a (painstakingly) customized version of a WordPress template, WordPress doesn’t allow that capability.