Pigmy Will

I like pies and TicTacs, grapes and peanuts.


Cactus twins

How many times have you wished for knitted cactus instead of the ones that prick you?  I think of knit cactuses all the time.  They have s...

Zombie BUNNY

This is the deet deet deetiest bunny I’ve ever seen.  I would go to my grave with him.  Happy Deet  zombie Easter....

Bread crust necklace

He made the necklace by eating out the center and now he is stuck with the crust necklace.    I told him he should make more and sell the...

Go Man Go

Deet. Deet.  I’m a sucker for the underdog.  But he can do it.  I know he can.  He’s got DEET....

Kiss my watermelon ass

I was so excited to see this.  I don’t know how she did it or whom she kissed.  It’s so shiny watermelon-y.  I’m going ...

good morning Eggs

I had a very happy breakfast today eating my eggs and toast with avocado jaaaaam.  The is the official deet deet breakfast of Pigmy Will....


NOW this is a ride for everyone.  Just don’t do it after you eat oreos and icecream.  Deet Merry Go round deet....

Mow my roof!

It’s one thing to mow your lawn, but when your roof is lawn too, then you HAVE TO MOW YOUR ROOF.  WHAT DEET DEET Problem....

Jack’s Ride

My friend Jack needs a skateboard as much as Whiska needs a tricycle.  He walks so slowly that he gets to see every piece of dirt and trash...