Kitsch » Drink and Bar Accessories

Red Kool-Aid

Is Kool-Aid good kitsch?  Is Red a flavor of Kool-Aid?  This is Strawberry, also widely known as Red....

Gypsy Lady Tea Set

I do not have a full set , but I just love this pattern, Ive always liked china that has crinoline  or gypsy style  ladies, I think it goe...

Boot Cup

A gift from my uncle from way back and still a favorite, the red cowboy boot cup.  Part of the back spur is still there.  It holds approxi...

Chip off the old block

I’d love to see one of those great late-night, cheap TV ads promote this item by first showing a variety of people having extreme diff...

Juice Bar

Oh the joy, of seeing this , perfect Orange Juice Bar, everyone should have one in their garden, taken at the Bristol Harbour Festival on a ...