Kitsch » Books

Women are tired.

As a man I have always wondered… but I didn’t know what I could do about it??  Now I know.   I’m not sure if the cover ...

Scar Fart

Say the title out loud… Scarf Art…Scar Fart… it gets me every time. This pamphlet was from a time before every hipster was...

Love/Hate New York

This is a small paper back book made by a cartoonist, Bernie Karlin showing the good side and bad side of New York City. For example, one s...

Norman Mailer

I got this book at a local thrift shop and noticed it had been autographed by the author.  I have read every book by Mailer. This book look...

Erasmus’ Gamble

Here is the cover of my fabulous story of how The Phantom Manufacturing Company came back from the, erm, dead…...

Janet Leigh

In 1947, I went to see a movie “Romance of Rosy Ridge” with Janet Leigh and Van Johnson. Of course, I fell in love with Janet an...

Bottoms Up!

The following illustrations are from an old textbook I found at a recent estate sale.  Warning:  If scatological images upset you, STEP AW...

Three Way Love

1973 “classic” by Bronc Calloway – “Mac drove a truck for a living – and drove women wild for kicks.” A ...