
I´m a german freelance mixed media artist, who loves life, everything that´s colorful, strange, funny or odd and I´m a passionate collector of vintage junk I find while jumping through life. I follow my bliss!


The Fab Two

Since I joined AWMOK I planned to make a post about my beloved Dad Edgar and his twinbrother Dagobert. The two were born in 1939 as the las...

Cotton Candy Room

I came across this story in the internet and thought I have to share this with you aKitschionados. A room padded with 1,600 cones of cotton ...

Bambi Food Timer

We have a shop here that is always offering little season-related items and as our town is just celebrating the “Wiesn”, like th...

50´s Scheurich Vase

Well, there is not much I can describe expect that I got this sweet piece for incredible 1 € at Ebay, I bought it from a lady who was seel...