john switzer

retired executive chef- love to day trade energy stocks


Mushroom S&Ps

There is a fungus among There seems to be an endless amount of S&P shakers,as many as there are grains of salt; and these have a ...

Kitsch some fish

This 1 ft. long beauty loves to to drink orangade and beer. Mostly beer. And the longer he drinks, the bigger his tale....

Horny Goat

Just the mention of a horny goat is unsavory enough but Horny Goat on weed,  look out.They will eat a tin can sober so…btw:the reciep...

baby in a gas mask

Social meme 1940 “you are never too young to think about death.”I guess the umbrella indicated that an umbrella, like a gas mask...


the foot of an angel. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh and the toes smell cheesy -yummo...

acee blue eagle

At the gas station you could fill er up,check the oil, and get some of those indian glasses[promo 4 a fill up]...

kitschy post its

I guess I could use post its like everyone else. They come in many colors. But why when the universe supplies this sentient plaster cast owl...

this cheese is waxy

The turtles head comes out and is a cheese knife. Some guerlla mice have invaded the cheese. After the revolution, 3 or 4 mouse families wil...