I’ve blogged about Riverside, CA before. I hit it at least once a year because my favorite soul food restaurant in the state is there...
Kitsch » Store display
Kandy Korner on Cape Cod
After the What the Fluff? Festival 2011 fun, we headed down to Cape Cod for a few days of late Summer bliss. A must stop was Kandy Korner on...
Please Please
This sign seems unnecessary. But I guess people take the trojan’s into the dressing room for a test drive. Go figure....
“I don’t make monkeys, I just train ’em.”
Pee-wee at the Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles in 1984, photographed by Michael Edwards, wearing a definately awesome outfit....
Plaster Hamburger and Hot Dog
Cool 1960s painted plaster hanging display pieces from an eatateria in Joplin, MO. Note the appetizing funk and dirt on top of the mustar...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Never Too Much Madonna Inn
Heading out of LA last Thursday on the 5 was a mess. An overturned 20-wheeler heading south spilled oranges, lemons and an entire tank of...
Clown Motel!
If you are ever in the beautiful state of Nevada, make sure you stop by the Clown Motel in Tonopah! Everyone is welcome at the Clown Motel! ...
Tucson Weekly Robot
This robot man stands on 4th Ave, downtown Tucson. 4th Ave is sort of Tucson’s colorful bohemian street, home to ethnic restaurants an...
Mom’s Bryant Pup
This papier mache boston terrier was the mascot for The Bryant Furnace Company. My Mom worked 30 years at a place where this was displayed...
Allee Willis Kitsch O’ The Day – Hollywood Finger Cigarette Ring
The only thing I love more than a really bad fashion idea is a really excellent display card to feature it on. The idea of a cigarette ring,...
Denny Does LA – a bra and an eight ball!
I was hanging out in a Goodwill thrift shop and came across this grouping of items that I found quite interesting. This was a pretty sweet...
Blow Mold Alien Light-Up Lawn Art
Saw this in an antique shop. It claimed to be from the 60s or 70s (?) But I’m not sure I believe that? Anyway, it’s a cool...
update to Anne’s Barbie Dolls & Bait Shop
Update photos to Anne’s Still haven’t gotten inside……… they must keep really strange hours….. or sad...
HARPO Official Mulligan
This is the corner of dolls and kitsch I’ve photographed before at Angel View Thrift Store here in Palm Springs. I’d already...
Flying Strawberry Hut
It´s strawberry season here in bavaria right now and I just love those little strawberry huts placed on every strawberry field to sell them...
Shopping anyone?
Monster Katchina Sign Holbrook AZ- The trading post is for sale. The new interstate changed everything…...
Since posting my original Facitman a few days ago I decided to do some googlin’ and came across these men. I find it very interesting ...
FACITMAN Could not pass this guy by. Had to have him. He’s an advertising figure for the Swedish Facit adding machine from the 1950...
Denny’s Adventures in Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” (Part 130 – August 2010)
This statue is massive and is as tall as I am, well, almost…. A plastic Mike Tyson doll? Jazz man. Preacher man. Bumper sticker. This ...
Vintage Alka Seltzer Dispenser
I bought this at a garage sale and the woman I bought it form told me it sat on her Grandfather’s bar. She said this is about 50 years...
Mrs. Willis (Allee’s Mom – a tribute…)
This is kitsch I am not in love with but this is a little mother’s day table in a local thrift shop. Since I am always scouting abou...
Chickens Chickens and more Chickens
I’m not into Chickens but felt it neccesary to photograph this display after turning and knocking one over. I don’t know what wa...
Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Allee Willis Marches on Detroit! Part 8, Sights In Passing
One of my favorite things in life is photographing whatever I see around me, especially if I’m in a car and just happen to pass someth...